
Horny Goat Weed & Erectile Dysfunction

There are many herbs around the world which are used by traditional medicine systems for treating various kinds of diseases or disorders. The herbs are underrated but their effect in...

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PCOS/PCOD: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

PCOS or PCOD is polycystic ovarian syndrome or disorder which is characterized by collection of multiple signs and symptoms. Every 6 out of 10 women of reproductive age are getting...

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Shatavari Benefits for Women: What are the uses?

Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb with Botanical Name Asparagus Racemosus. It is a versatile herb which has been used for centuries in different diseases and disorders related to females. The...

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7 Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is a male hormone which belongs to the class of androgen hormones. This hormone is primarily produced in the testicles in males and plays a very crucial role in...

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Why Use Ashwagandha For Stress Relief?

Body’s health depends on the balance of the humors triad or energy triad. The triad involves Vata, Pitta and Kapha or Kinetic, thermal and potential energies respectively. The balance of...

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